Monday, February 20, 2012

Useless facts #3!

1. Potato
2. Whenever you blink your eyelids close
3. Trying to make people laugh at least a bit is hard over the interwebz
4. People tend to stick their noses into other peoples' business
5. Friend-zone sucks!
6. Chuck Norris is awesome
7. The coins are round unless you bend them
8. Cell division explained -> o -> 0 -> 8 -> oo
9. There's a song called "Who let the dogs out?"
10. Jedi is a good guy
11. There is not going to be a useless fact number 11
Have a nice time on this planet... it's going to disappear at the end of this year anyways.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Useless facts #2!

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "I talk random shit!"
Now, let's start with me saying this: I'm bored.
Ok, now the useless facts!
1. When you open your eyes they're not closed.
2. Reading books is cool.
3. The Earth is big.
4. If you throw a rock down a cliff, it will sooner or later hit the bottom.
5. This is, once again, a useless fact #5.
6. Touch typing is called blind typing in some countries.
7. Chuck Norris can do all the push-ups.
8. Sky is blue.
9. Color of the sun is different from the color of green paint.

10. Hama Kavula is mean.

Think about it...
Best regards

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So... Vanilla gaming.

You might know that Classic WoW (the one without any expansions) is often referred to as "The Fun WoW".
That might be true in most cases, but people that play the latest expansion don't seem to like it.
I've read on some forums that people say that Vanilla was fun only because it was new at that time. Some say it's fun because it had no extra stuff (hence the name "vanilla" as in plain). Others claim they think it was fun, because  they feel nostalgic when thinking about it.
I must say, it's more fun to me than WotLK. Not sure about Cataclysm, cause i haven't played it.
Vanilla is harder, that's what makes it more rewarding. When you've seen a man, with an epic item, you knew where that item came from, and what did it take to get it. In WotLK, you see a man with an epic item and you don't even know where did he get it, because you don't even care. I'm saying that as the expansion get released, you get flooded with tons of new gear that you don't really care about. Your only goal is to replace all of it with something that you can call "the best".
Racing with other guilds to be the best.
What does "the best" even mean now. To be able to grind your way through all available content in a matter of hours? To not be able to stop and look around to see the world you're playing in?
Don't know about you, but i'm still up for exploring new stuff, and not just rushing through it so i can be "the best".
Anyways, before i turn this post into a self-obsessed one, I'm gonna finish this really nicely.
If you want (and if you have played WoW at some point in your life) tell me what you think about this?

Best regards

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lord of Ultima! (Browser game)

Another browser game, another clone, you might say. Well, it might be true. They are all the same, only genres differ.
This one is set in the medieval times. You build your castle, upgrade it, and build troops and go to war/dungeons.
Pretty simple.
There is also a very active social system. You can join an alliance at the very start, so you don't get bored right away.
If anyone wants to join, i could use a "Refer a friend" bonus.
Link: Lord of Ultima!

Best regards

Monday, July 18, 2011

Red Alert 2 time!

Recently i got myself a Red Alert 2 game. It feels good to know where did all those C&C games start.
I think the game was a quite better for it's time. Sprites are great, animations are cool, everything's very good.
As any other C&C game you've gotten used to, this one has that familiar look and feel to it. You want to make a building, you wait for it to be finished, you place it and then use it. Same thing with units, just that you don't have to place them.
There are a few "factions" you can play with. There is Russia, USA, France, Iraq, Great Britain, etc.
There is one resource in the game and it's called Spice. You gather it and use it immediately.
Well, i have a feeling you know this game better than i do, so i will skip the rest of explaining.
I really recommend getting back to this game if you have played it back in the day, or getting it if you haven't.

Best regards

Monday, July 11, 2011

Solar 2 - Game review

This time i talk about a cool little game called "Solar 2".
It's an space game placed in an infinite universe that's being randomly generated every time you play it.
When you first start the game, you are spawned as an asteroid. Being an asteroid, you must crash into other asteroids to become bigger. Once you've "absorbed" enough of them, you become a small planet.
Now, this is when it becomes more interesting.
All sorts of missions become available to you. Some of them are (I don't remember the exact names) "destroy only asteroids in a selected system", "Destroy all the ships that are attacking you", and among many others, my personal favorite "Prevent your planet from being destroyed while there's a space concert going on on it".
While you're a small planet you can "pull" asteroids into your orbit, and you can do two things with them. Absorb them to become a Life Planet, or use them as a weapon to smash other planets/ships/systems. If you choose to absorb enough asteroids you turn into a planet that supports life. Life means your planet will produce ships (3 types of ships in total, i think), turrets that fire at anything hostile that comes near the planet and also, your planet will have a shield.
At this point, you can choose to absorb even more asteroids, which will lead you to becoming a small star. Stars, of course, don't support life, so no more ships/turrets/shield. But on the other hand, you can now "pull" planets into your orbit, which is kind of cool. You can also absorb planets to become a medium star and after that a large star.
If you keep absorbing planets, you are eventually going to turn into a black hole. That's when it all ends, you start absorbing everything (except black holes that are bigger than you) until you become so big that you suck in the universe itself. When you do, a new "Big Bang" happens, and the game starts over.
The game is pretty cool, and can take few hours to finish.
Hope i brought some insight into the game, and that you decided to try it out!

Best regards